عمليات الطيران - التشغيل الاجنبي

عمليات الطيران - التشغيل الاجنبي

تواصل معنا

عمليات الطيران - التشغيل الاجنبي

الهاتف: 8001168888
البريد الالكتروني: ser-fltops@gaca.gov.sa

8:00 am to 04:00 pm

from Sun to Thurs
Foreign Air Operator Authorization - GACAR 129 (Renewal)

This service allows beneficiaries to renew the authorization required for the operation of foreign air carriers (scheduled/unscheduled) under GACAR PART 129.

Foreign Air Operator Authorization - GACAR 129 (Amendment - Add\remove Aircraft)

This service allows beneficiaries to (Add/Remove) aircraft from their current Authorization for the operation of foreign air carriers (scheduled/unscheduled) under GACAR PART 129. 

SS&AT_FAOD_F_01_V 1.0 ( Latter of Compliance )
SS&AT_FAOD_F_02_V 1.0 ( Data Sheet )
Foreign Air Operator Authorization - GACAR 129 (Initial)

This service allows beneficiaries to obtain initial Authorization required for the operation of foreign air carriers (scheduled/unscheduled) under GACAR PART 129.